Sabtu, 30 April 2016


POLY + SEMY= Many + Meaning

Definition of Polysemy
polysemy is a mixture of Latin and The word polysemy comes from the Greek words πολυ-, poly-, “many” and σήμα,sêma, “sign” and means literally ‘many meanings.’ Adjective: polysemous or polysemic.

A polysemy is a word or symbol that has more than one meaning. In order to be considered a polysemy, a word has to have separate meanings that can be different, but related to one another.

The term polysemy is used in linguistics as a means of categorizing and studying various aspects of languages. According to some estimates, more than 40% of English words have more than one meaning. The fact that so many words (or lexemes) are polysemous "shows that semantic changes often add meanings to the language without subtracting any" (M. Lynne Murphy, Lexical Meaning, 2010).

Two Approaches of Polysemy
The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach.

1.1  Diachronic approach. From the diachronic point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word. At the time when the word was created, This first meaning is the primary meaning. With the advance of time and the development of language, it took on more and more meanings. These later meanings are called derived meanings as they are all derived from the primary meaning. Take the word face for example
    (1) the front of the head;
    (2) the expression of the countenance;
    (3) a surface of a thing;
    (4) the side or surface that is marked , playing card, domino, etc
    (5) the appearance; outward aspect;resemblance;                                                                   
Of the some meanings spelled out above, (1) is the primary meaning the basic meaning of the word face. There are also many instances in which the primary meaning gave birth to new meanings, and as a result the primary meaning became either obsolete or disappeared altogether.

1.2. Synchronic approach. Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time, say, Modern English. There are cases where the central meaning has gradually diminished in currency with the changes that have taken place in culture and society, and one of the derived meanings has become dominant. This example by the word gay :
  gay: (1) joyous and lively; merry; happy
    (2) bright, brilliant
    (3) given to social life and pleasure
    (4) wanton; licentious
    (5) homosexual
  gay: (1) homosexual
    (2) bright or attractive
    (3) cheerful; happy; full of fun
  gay: (1) homosexual
    (2) lively and enjoyable (person)
    (3) lively and interesting (place)
    (4) bright and pretty (colour)
    (5) lively and pleasant
The order of the senses indicates the development, the first meaning being the basic and primary and the last the latest. But in usage and currency. Sense (5) is arranged as No. 1 because it is rated as the most frequently used meaning.

·                           Man


i.                    humankind (both male and female, old and young)
ii.                  specifically a male human being
iii.                 even more specifically an adult male human being

i.                    a bound collection of pages (could be a blank book)
ii.                  a verb meaning to record or make an entry in a ledger (a book!) or today in a computer file.
iii.                a reproduced and distributed text (not a blank book, and perhaps not even paper pages (a digital book, for example)

 there are other examples, such as:
word meaning
crawl     crawl - to move slowly on hands and knees 
                                  crawl - to move slowly in traffic
                                  crawl - to be covered with moving things
                                  crawl - to swim the crawl

13 komentar:

  1. Simple but nice,.. nice blog...
    btw did u know any glossary or dictionary about polysemi.. share wth us please!

  2. Hy piu, it is good article. But can u tell me, why polysemy can be happen? Thank you^^

    1. hy ken,bcous polysemy essential feature of the language and the causes of her existence in the language can be summarized as follows:
      The same word takes different meanings and use. Since the same word carries different aspects which can be used from the context, some of this new meanings that the word takes are temporary or are changed into permanent semantic nuances and as they move away from each – other, we consider them as different meanings of the same word. tq

  3. so interesting sist, mmm can you tell me why we should study polysemy in our life ? syukria :*

    1. in reality they are imperceptible and undifferentiated. In English, Polysemy appears because in every situation, in every profession, every
      word takes a specific use.
      Such as the word letër (paper) do not refer only to the material, but it may refer to a legal document: newspaper, the questions in a test, in plural it refers to identification documents etc..
      tq sist

  4. nice blog silvia:), please give me simple explanation about polysemy? thanks piu :*

    1. POLY + SEMY= Many + Meaning
      A polysemy is a word or symbol that has more than one meaning.a word has to have separate meanings that can be different, but related to one another.
      sebuah kata yang memiliki lebih dari satu arti(indonesia)
      tq icii

  5. nice blog piu :*, but please give me example polysemy in our life ...arigatou ^_^

    1. contoh beberapa Polisemi:
      • bank = bank – pinggiran sungai
      • bed = tempat tidur – dasar – alas – kebun, taman
      • book = buku – memesan
      • congregation = jemaah – perkumpulan
      • court = pengadilan – halaman – lapangan – istana – penerimaan tamu
      • head = kepala (bagian tubuh) – kepala (pimpinan)
      • milk = susu – memerah susu
      • mole = tahi lalat – tikus
      • water = air – menyiram
      • wood = kayu – hutan
      • dll

  6. nice blog pio^^,please explain difference Two Approaches of Polysemy!

    1. - diachronic approach is the primary meaning the basic meaning of the word - synchronic approach the first meaning being the basic and primary and the last the latest. But in usage and currency. Sense (5) is arranged as No. 1 because it is rated as the most frequently used meaning. You can see in my example, the different meaning and used about face and gay

  7. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  8. Did u think if many meaning can make ambiguity convertation?
